Wednesday, February 27, 2013

My Top 10 Girl Names

This list is far from exhaustive. These are names that I would actually consider using (and my husband, Nick, would consider as well) if we ever had another little girl. There are SO many girl names that I love, but can’t use because Nick hates them.  If I included my favorite names that Nick has said “no” to, then this list would be closer to 50 rather than 10.

We can easily agree on boy names, but we have very different styles for girls. Nick likes unisex and some surname-as-first-name names for girls. While I like some of those, I prefer old fashioned and feminine (i.e. Caroline and Violet are two of my favorites!), but Nick can’t stand those. I’m also a sucker for literary names on girls.

Without further ado, here are my top 10 girl names for a future daughter:

Lennox – This is our front runner. She would be called Leni or Lex … or just Lennox. I love this name. It makes me think of The Secret Garden.
Scarlett – This one is less The Scarlet Letter and more Scarlett O’Hara in my book.

Annabel – NOT Annabelle. This is for the Edgar Allen Poe poem, Annabel Lee. Sure, the poem is dark and describes the death of a beautiful woman, but I think it’s more than that. It’s a man that was so enamored with his wife that he imagined completely insane ways that she died. It’s a poem about love, and it will most likely be a future daughter’s middle name.
Arden – This is the magical forest in As You Like It. Some people think this name sounds masculine, but I think of Shakespeare, the word ardent, and gardens when I hear it. My only concern with this name is its similarity to the very popular Aidan. I don’t want her to be one of many, and there will surely be Aidans in her class all throughout school.

Juliet – I know, I know. I warned you though. I LOVE literary names. This one is self explanatory. I would (lovingly, but not all the time) call her Lulu, Jules, or Jet.
Posey – This is a guilty pleasure name for me. Hence, its inclusion in the blog’s title (plus I love the alliteration with Piper). I’m not sure if I would ever have the guts to actually use it though.

Reverie – I love the meaning of this name and the idea of calling a cute little girl Rev or Revi is very tempting!
Avalon – I don’t know what it is about this name that I love. I can’t put my finger on it, but I’ve liked it for a long time.

Fable – Not quite literary, but close!
Sabrina – This name is kind of surprising on my list, but I like it! It’s a recent addition.

What are your favorite girl names? Are there any names that you love, but your significant other won't even consider?

As always, email me at if you have any questions!


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